DMRC Headley Court is the the armed forces premier rehabilitation facility whose wide skill base of personnel treat the most complex of combat casualty cases.
MediCinema is a charity that installs and manages permanent state-of-the-art cinemas in hospitals and places of care, which then show the latest movie releases. An immersive and uplifting experience such as watching a good film has proved to have therapeutic effects. One of these cinemas has been installed at Headley Court.
The UKG began supporting MediCinema in 2005 and we have over the years managed to donate £50,000 in total to help them build and manage more cinemas.
Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Stormtroopers, Tusken Raiders, a Biker Scout, a TIE Pilot, Nien Numb and a MediCinema team all joined in the Star Wars themed day that started with a walk around various gymnasiums to entertain and pose for photos with some of the staff and residents.
This was followed by the UKG presenting MediCinema with a cheque for £2,500 of which £500 will go directly to MediCinema and £2,000 will go to MediCinema based activities at Headley Court to directly benefit the residents being treated there.

Related information:
Written by: Ginny Tait, UK Garrison PR Officer.